Updated 6/8/2021

Contributions of new chapters are welcome at any time. New chapters will be posted immediately for free download. Periodically, new compilations of chapters will be made available.

Please consider contributing a chapter. Both new and current authors are strongly encouraged to consider contributing chapters. The process for proposal, preparation, and approval of new chapters is the following:

  1. Send an email to IntrotoBE@asabe.org to indicate interest in writing a chapter. Include the following information: your name, affiliation, email address, proposed author(s), proposed chapter topic, and brief (100 words) summary of the scope of the proposed topic.
  2. Editors will review your proposed topic and finalize the topic with you.
  3. Prepare an outline following the Chapter Instructions for Authors. Submit your outline to the editors.
  4. Editors will review and finalize the outline with you.
  5. Prepare the chapter following the Chapter Instructions for Authors.
  6. Submit the complete chapter, original figures, and figure metadata to the editors. Submit figure metadata in this spreadsheet (or this online form) as described in the Chapter Instructions for Authors.
  7. Following review and copyediting, your chapter will be posted immediately and be available for free download.