Awards for Editors, Reviewers, and Authors

Winners of many awards will be recognized at the Annual International Meeting. You may also be interested in the AE50 New Product Awards, Davidson Prize, Visual Challenge, K.K. Barnes Student Paper Awards Competition, Ethics Essay Competition, and other awards.


Superior Paper Awards

Winners are chosen from articles published in Journal of the ASABE, Applied Engineering in Agriculture, and the Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health during the previous calendar year. See the winners and how they are chosen.

ITSC Paper Awards

The Information Technology, Sensors, and Control Systems Technical Community judges select the top papers from the ITSC community that will be presented at the Annual International Meeting. To be considered, authors must submit the paper to Headquarters by April 20.

Outstanding Reviewers

Reviewers of ASABE’s peer-reviewed journals spend many hours evaluating author manuscripts and making suggestions for improvements. The reviewer recognition program will honor up to 21 outstanding reviewers each year. Given that hundreds of reviewers participate each year in our peer-review process, this is a significant honor. See the full list of reviewers recognized.

Volunteer to be a reviewer. Training for peer-review is free using Web of Science Academy.

Outstanding Associate Editors

The high quality of ASABE peer-reviewed journal publications could not be maintained without the dedicated service of Associate Editors (AE) who spend many hours working closely with the reviewers, authors, and editors during the peer-review process. The number of possible nominees is approximately equal to 5% of the number of journal articles published in the same year. Nominees allowed for each community are proportional to the number of articles published by each community. Community editors nominate AE and a limited number of award winners are chosen from those nominations.

Associate Editors Recognition

Associate Editors meeting our best practices for the calendar year receive a certificate of recognition.