STC, STC-01, STC-02

MS-23, MS-03

Outreach and Development


MS - Machinery Systems Community with the exceptions noted under other Administrators


MS-23/6, MS-23/19, MS-54, MS-58, MS-60







MS-23/3, MS-23/7, MS-23/14

ASABE Communities

ASABE is organized into Communities representing the various impact areas of our membership. Technical committees and the standards they developed are aligned with these communities.

ESH - Ergonomics, Safety, and Health

EOPD - Education, Outreach, &Professional Development

ASE - Applied Science and Engineering

ITSC - Information Technology, Sensors and Controls 

ES - Energy Systems

MS - Machinery Systems

NRES – Natural Resources and Environmental Systems

PAFS – Plants, Animals, and Facility Systems

PRS – Processing Systems

National standards

A standard is a living document developed under a strict rule of openness and consensus. 

The use of standards in the U.S. is voluntary. They help self regulate industry and encourage cooperation and growth. All standards are reviewed every 5 years for relevance and accuracy and updated and revised as technology changes.

ASABE standards are developed by volunteers representing industry, academia, government agencies and concerned and interested citizens.  

  • ASABE has ~200 technical committees and working groups, many of which develop standards.
  • ASABE currently has ~280 published standards with approximately one half published as American National Standards.
  • There is a significant focus on national adoptions of ISO Standards in the agricultural machinery sector.   

To find out how to get involved with standards development, contact one of the ASABE Standards Administrators.