
New Faces of ASABE - One-Minute Video Challenge

New Faces - #asaBEINSPIRED postcard

ASABE members aim to do a world of good. To make a difference. To shape the future.

Create a one-minute video to illustrate what or who inspires you in your career as an ag/bio engineer.

Top Prize: $2000
Honorable mention (2): $750

Entry is easy!

  • Share your story. Explain, illustrate, sing, dance, draw, or otherwise creatively show the world what or who has inspired your aim to make a difference in the world:
  • Target a young-adult audience: middle school, high-school, undergraduate
  • Mention “agricultural engineering” or “biological engineering” at least once in the video
  • Upload your video to YouTube and submit entry form by February 4, 2021
  • Get your friends to Like and Share your video! 

Open to ASABE members age 35 and under
Not a member? Consider joining! it might one of your best investments ever!

Entries will be judged on content requirements; strength and clarity of personal message; creativity; production quality; effectiveness of time used. Popularity of videos, as expressed by Likes and Shares, may be used to determine final rankings.

