Calendar of Events
Jan 20, 2024
Abstract submission deadline. Site closes at midnight EST.
Jan 21 - Mar 17, 2024
Site closed to Authors. No changes allowed online. Online system locked to allow organizers to select submissions for presentations.
Mar 18 - 22, 2024
Acceptance notification emailed to Authors from HQ.
Mar 18, 2024
Site reopens for final edits and full paper submission.
Apr 20, 2024
ITSC Paper Awards deadline - Full paper submission.
May 3, 2024
Submit your paper by upload.
If uploaded by May 3 11:59 PM ET, paper will be online when AIM starts. Presenters must also be registered by May 3.
If after May 3, the paper (Microsoft Word file) must be emailed to and cannot be uploaded.
Paper will be online sometime after AIM.
Changes for AIM 2024.
The paper template is revised every year. Please use the most recent one to avoid problems processing your paper.
- The paper template is now in a compressed zip file containing a blank template for your paper and a template with instructions.
- We no longer collect affiliations or membership status in the indexing boxes at the top. For each author, there is an optional field for your ORCID, but we are not currently using that information.
- After the author indexing boxes at the top, there are several places that say "[Click here to enter...]." When you click on those, start typing and your text will replace it. That will keep the formatting styles assigned to that content. Delete any of those fields that are leftover when you are finished.
- There are three places to enter your paper number and one for each of these: last page number, title, authors, author addresses, abstract, keywords, and main body text.
- If you are late, only send the Microsoft Word file for your paper, not a PDF file.
- Do not delete the author indexing boxes at the top of your paper. Staff will delete them before publishing online.
I forgot my user name and/or password.
If you forgot your user name OR password, select the “Forgot Password” link at the bottom of the log in box. You will receive an email with your username and a link to create a new password.
Can I still submit an abstract now?
The deadline for submitting abstracts was January 20, 2024. Abstracts will be assigned to scheduled sessions by session organizers. No new abstracts can be added to the program after the deadline.
Why is the site open if I cannot submit an abstract?
The site is open only for EDITS to your current submissions (updating author information, institutions, or general presentation information such as titles or presenters) and also to SUBMIT YOUR FULL PAPER for the Online Technical Library.
How long is the site open?
The site will be open until 11:59 PM EST on May 3, 2024. This is the deadline for full paper submission as well as any changes made to the abstract or author information. No changes will be made to the AIM program after May 3 - NO EXCEPTIONS.
What is my paper number and DOI number?
Your paper has a “Submission ID” as shown below. Your “Paper Number” is a seven-digit number. For 2024, it is 2400000 plus the “Submission ID”. For example, if your submission ID is 1642, your unique Paper Number is 2400000 + 1642 = 2401642. Your unique DOI number is “10.13031/aim.20” plus the Paper Number 10.13031/aim.202401642
For example, if the Submission ID number is “1642”
Paper Number (used by the Word paper template)
DOI number (used by the Word paper template)
Is there a limit on file size or number of pages I can have for my AIM paper?
There are no restrictions on file size or number of pages you can submit.
How do I create my paper so that it can be published online?
Download the "Annual International Meeting (AIM) Paper Template" to create your manuscript in a Microsoft Word file (.doc or .docx file) from Microsoft Word files are the only compatible file types. The template contains required content for online indexing and describes formatting for fonts, styles, equations, figures, tables, lists, styles, and references. Download the latest version each year. Do NOT use a template from a previous year.
How do I submit my full paper?
After you have submitted an abstract and it has been reviewed and accepted into a session at AIM, the site will reopen (Mar 18). Upload your full paper if you would like it published in our Technical Library. You must already have an account with the submission tied to it. We index the paper and make it available worldwide. You will not be able to submit a new abstract. Your file name should be like your paper number, for example, a file name like 2412345.docx for a 2024 paper.
Click "Submissions".
Click on "File name"
Scroll down until you come to “Download file"
"Save & Submit"
I submitted my paper but want to make changes.
Only one file can be uploaded for each submission. If you need to update the file, you have to remove the current file and Re-upload your new one.
After uploading, make sure to again select the "Save & Submit" button.
PROOF your submission actions! Check every section which is summarized above. Double check content and spelling in each section. THIS IS THE INFORMATION THAT WILL GO IN THE PROGRAM so make sure it is correct.
Who should I contact for help?
If your question relates to ASABE policies on publications or meeting presentations, visit the ASABE Annual Meetings website at There we list key deadlines, schedules, registration information, as well as information on paper templates and submission. If you cannot find your answer, you can contact the meetings department at or the publications representative at
If you have any questions or issues with your submission, contact